Thursday, 21 January 2010
Global Transformers ~ by Cayo Coco
Inspirational writer Cayo Coco posted this note, on exactly the same day that I launched The Global We ~ poetic synchronicity. She has encapsulated the ethos of our movement, uniting humanity with graceful eloquence. This piece is beautifully profound, and a must read!
Gordon J Millar
creator of The Global We
Each one of us is a drop in the ocean. A growing movement of ‘Transformers’ is emerging across the globe and is creating waves that are growing as more and more people awaken and join the waves. A profound shift is happening - a shift in consciousness - that is reflecting in our world and in our physical reality.
Expansion of consciousness of more and more people is sweeping across the face of the earth. And certain individuals are being ‘called’ to it and experiencing the shift happening. People are experiencing a radical inner transformation - a higher level of consciousness - that challenges their present ways of thinking. They are continously discovering their innate capabilities and moving into larger experiences of who they really are and the world they live in. They are breaking free from old belief systems and habitual patterns.
Generations are realizing that they are co-creators of their reality. They are discovering their innate power, wisdom and love, and they are beginning to take personal responsibility and acting accordingly. More people are realizing that they possess the power to create and chart the course for their thoughts and actions. They no longer let fear disempowering them - but are choosing LOVE as a way of living - a path of love, compassion, gratitude, tolerance and understanding (higher vibration) that is changing the chemistry in their own bodies and affecting the tapestry of creation and the physical reality.
More and more people are becoming aware that they are interconnected within a greater whole and let their decisions and actions arise out of that broader knowing - knowing that their decisions and actions have consequences and affect others.
Open hearts open hearts.
Some know that they are here for a 'Higher Purpose'. Through a sincere desire to work for something larger than themselves, they choose to participate and cooperate to effect positive change in the world and 'heal' and ‘activate’ the growth in by one...
For centuries, people have worked to make the world a better place. Too many have spent time and energy on fighting against poverty, racism and each other etc., instead of focusing on and BE the exact change that they wish to see in the world (e.g. peace, love, compassion, tolerance).
When we fight against whatever it may be, we often respond with energy on the same 'frequency' - the same old reactions and repeat an old pattern and project our personal responsibility ‘out there‘, instead of owning where it really exists and where we can actually do something about it - inside us.
As Einstein once said, 'A problem cannot be solved from the same level of consciousness that created it'. Today’s challenges can only be met powerfully and effectively through a shift in consciousness - and HIGHER vibration - that creates new templates of actions.
Our world as it is today is a clear and accurate reflection of our present collective consciousness. Most problems in the world are human made, therefore, they can be solved by humankind. In this respect, no problem in the world is beyond human beings. Change begins with a fundamental shift in the individual.
Transform yourself and the World transforms.
The way we can transform the world is by transforming ourselves and begin to act accordingly. When we as individuals, grow and evolve, we affect the 'mass consciousness'. As we become more consciousness - aware - our lives will follow suit and go new ways - and we are not only transforming ourselves - we are contributing to the transformation of the world.
When more and more people realize that they are the co-creators - and begin to understand just how responsible they are for creating not only their life experiences but the world situation as well - they will start to work from the point of view of a creator rather than working out of fear and powerlessness.
Are you waiting for someone to make the World a better place? We are it. It is up to US. It is up to YOU.
If you want to make the world a better place, take a good look at yourself, and make the change. It begins with you. Look at yourself: the way you live, the way you think, the way you feel, and the way you act in relations to others.
The Power to Transform is in YOU.
One lady once said to me,’ You can only build a 'powerfield' when you work with likeminded people with the same intentions.’
When we synchronize our intentions and actions, together we can achieve ‘Synergistic Effect’. That is, our whole combined impact is greater than the sum of individual efforts - our independent waves continue to add to each other as they travel out across the ocean and the results are much greater than we can ever manifest independently.
Global Collaboration is a way forward. One person can achieve great things. Together we can achieve what one cannot achieve alone.
Let me tell you something: This morning I held a one-year-old baby boy in my arms. He looked at me with his big beautiful brown eyes - with such a deep curiosity - and then a bright smile illuminated on his face. It touched me so profoundly. He leaned his head against my chest. And as I held him close to me, I thought to myself, ’Wow, what a huge responsibility...for him, humanity and our world - the world we live in, the world he will grow up in, the world our children’s children will grow up in and so on…’
As I held the little boy, a vision reappeared to me. When I was 20 years old, I stayed with a Shaman in South America. I had this particular vision among many. At the time, I did not really understand the exact message in the vision. But now it became more clear what it was trying to tell me.
…and it is happening…)
There are generations whose very lives will be shifted and shaped by the moves we make and the actions we take. Each of us have unique talents and skills to share. Our energy and contribution have a profound impact on others and the world. However, we cannot do the 'work' for someone else nor can we make the change for them directly, no matter how much we want to. But we can help others and show by example - by BEING and DOING in ACTION. We can set waves into motion and join other waves.
By taking personal responsibility for our own growth and actions - we are affecting other people and the world around us by sending out unending ripples by our thoughts, emotions, intentions and actions(energies) into the 'Quantum Field'. Our evolution - and expansion of consciousness that happens in our personal lives sends out waves that ripple over the surface of the whole ocean.
‘You are a light in the world. Let your light shine, radiate and touch the light in others and let it enlighten our world.’
'Be the change we wish to see in the world' as Gandhi said, is the only way real transformation takes place. BE and DO in ACTION!
We are the Transformers and the Transformed. We are the Messengers and the Message.
We are the ONES we have been waiting for.
We are the turn of the tides.....
For our generation, our children and the generations to come.
Abundant Love, Light & Blessings
♥.•´¸.•~♥♥♥~•.¸♥ ..•*”˜”*°•. ˜”*°•♥•°*”˜ .•°*”˜”*°•.
(¯`•´¯) Gratitude
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Re-posted with the kind permission of the author, Cayo Coco
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Thank you so much for your permission to post your inspirational note Cayo!